Monday, July 26, 2010


Playboy's Top 10 bars in America.

Hey Kevin,
Longtime no see! Hope Vessel is treating you well.

This is a little random, but I thought of you...
King's was just named one of the "Best Bars in America" by Playboy magazine and instead of sending out a press clip, I'd like to humbly submit the attached cover for the beersintheshower readership. Who knew Mike Leifur could be so...well...pretty?

I can now say I've served drinks to someone who was on the cover of Playboy.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Coining a Phrase.


Defined: When working at a bar and someone whom you have never met, but seems to be in the industry, I.E., they are in a ninja suit (black shirt & black pants) comes in at the end of the night and the first thing they order is a shot of Fernet, you take a shot of Fernet with said person.

This is Fernetworking. You will become friends, you will understand each other, you will have a repeat customer, and you will visit their bar.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Declaration of Gindependence.

Huge thanks to Hendrick's, Jon Santer, Zane and Anu for hosting a great party. Here is a shot of Murray Stenson signing.