As american as apple pie, jazz and most importantly.... the cocktail. The official spirit of the USA by an act of congress ( the bottles-in-bond act of 1897). The first ever federal act of consumer protection. Think about that the next time you order ANYTHING at a restaurant.
Lately I have been making a lot of Juleps with Booker's", recommending the hell out of Jeffrey Morganthalers Bourbon Renewal, and enjoying a TON of bourbon.
As I've mentioned in a previous post, I love to enjoy bourbon in 2 ways. Naturally I respect the spirit for what it is and try some straight. That's how I roll.
I also really enjoy bourbon on the rocks. I usually drink it that way with a splash of water. I've been told, I have read, and have tons of experience drinking it this way. Evan Williams black and water is still a staple.
I am currently enjoying a glass of the Black Maple Hill Bourbon and wondering why life has been so good the past week. I'm playing music again and we have 2 songs written. I've been kinda seeing someone ( see the I'm on fire! post ) and while I was at work today she cleaned my apartment for me. Not the" i'm a lazy guy, "i'll do laundry and throw away the beer cans kind of clean.", the My dvd's are n order and my bookshelf is uncluttered and i believed alphabetized. She's moving to Oregon in less than two weeks and I'm kinda bummed.
I also returned home tonight to check my mail and find my copy of Beck : Mongolian Chop Squad and what Can I say? I've found a new level of geekdom. An anime about starting a band.
Drunken ramblings aside,
I did make something I was sorta happy about and its named after a hilarious segment in my favorite web comic Achewood. I give you the Hick Tipple
2oz. Bourbon ( my well is Jim Beam )
1/2 oz. Lime Juice
1/4 oz Simple Syrup
3-4 dashes Fee Bros. Mint Bitters

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